Mac Outlook 2011 Search Return "No Result"

Published on November 15, 2014


You may receive a message "No Results" while searching for a mail or applying filters in outlook 2011. The issue normally occurs due to the following reasons:

  • Indexing of Spotlight search is incomplete.
  • Special characters (like /, * etc.) are present in the identity name.
  • In the private tab of the spotlight, may be you have added the identity or its parent folder.
  • In the Documents folder,the Microsoft User Data folder is not present.
  • The index of spotlight search has got corrupted.

Possible Resolution of the error message No Results

Follow the steps mentioned below to resolve the error code:

  • If you have created a new identity in the Mac Outlook or you have created and added a new account or you have imported the new data from OLM file then Spotlight search will not work and will show the "No Result" error message.
  • No special characters are allowed in the Identity name or Profile name. So remove the special characters from the Identity name if it contains. To view the identity name, Hold the option key and click on the icon of Mac Outlook.
  • In case if Special characters are present in the identity name; follow the steps mentioned below to change the identity name. The location of Identity name in Mac Outlook is: Users/<Username>/Documents/Microsoft user data/Office 2011 Identities/

Rename the identity name that contains the special characters and remove the special characters from it.

If you want to set the default identity, then just select the identity that you want to set as default, then click on the Gear icon and after that click on Set as Default.

  • Now verify that the identity folder is not in the Privacy tab of Spotlight. The spotlight search will not index the identity which is added in the privacy tab. So remove it from the identity tab so that Spotlight can index it.
  • Also check the identity is stored in its Default location. For that check is Microsoft User Data folder present in the ~/Documents folder if not then add it.
  • If you found that the search is still showing "No Results" that means the spotlight index has got corrupted.

Follow the steps mentioned below to re-index the Spotlight

  • Select System Preferences from the Apple menu.
  • Then click on the Spotlight button.
  • After that, hit on the Privacy tab.
  • Now drag the entire volume of to the list.
  • Click OK.
  • Now remove the entire volume that you have just added.
  • After that close the Spotlight Preferences.